- Capo Bruzzano - Bianco - Samo e Precacore -
Casignana (Contrada Palazzi)
73 km from Reggio Calabria (29km from Siderno; 67km from Monasterace Marina),
following the SS106 direction north-east along the ionic coastline, there is
Capo Bruzzano, where still resists a spectacular tower in a panoramic
position. After 5km there is Bianco (12mt. a.s.l.), active touristic sea
centre of the riviera that takes the name from the white clay-marble hills that
surround it. The present urban conformation has been built after the earthquake
of 1908: only a few ruins remain of the old village, 4km away and set on a
mountain 260mt a.s.l. In the villages of Crocefisso and Pardesca still remain
the ruins of the convent S. Maria della Vittoria, that goes back to the XVII
century, and the ones of S.Maria del Soccorso’s church.
The Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Pugliano, set in the high area of the new
populated centre, was built many times because of the earthquakes; since
Bizantine times is place to the worshippers of the Vergine di Pugliano. On the
15th of August every year in Bianco, after the procession of the painting
representing the Vergine, and after three days of festivities, it is possible to
admire spectacular foireworks over the water. Even if nothing remains of the
ancient bianco that was founded by the locresi greeks, the ancient greek art of
the sweet wine still resists : Bianco is in fact notorious for the production of
the “nectar of the gods”, the Greco di Bianco, recognized as one of the best
sweet wines of Calabria.
From Bianco we leave the coast to get into the inner land and, after about 10km,
we get to Samo (280mt. a.s.l.). Small town inside the area of the
National Park of Aspromonte, is characterised by a rich and varied vegetation,
constituted in the lowest altitudes by the Mediterranean stain, and in the
highest by forests with rare conifers such as the white fir and the secular
Woodwardia radicans fern. Going into the populated centre the monumental Stele
of elliptical shape symbolizes the entrance door of the city, and it symbolizes
the restyling activity that has completed the urban embellishment with fountains
and squares and has also touched most of the houses, decorated and embellished
with trompe l’oeil and murales painting techniques .
From Samo’s main road a path begins. It takes in about 10 minutes walk to the
ancient village of Precacore, built around 952 A.C. by the people of the
coast, forced to escape from the Saracen’s attacks. Abandoned after the
earthquake of 1908, is today an evocative village rich in history and memories,
like S.Sebastiano’s church, of Byzantine origin, that still keeps preserved its
internal structure, full of frescoes.
Going back into the coast, and onto the SS106 from Bianco, Bovalino Marina
direction, after about 3km there is the area Contrada Palazzi, where the
rests of a beautiful Roman villa of the II-III cent. A.C. have been found.
Called “Villa di Casignana” it has polychrome mosaic floors that embellished the
architectonic structure in the living part as well as in the areas assigned to
the baths. The works for the construction of an archeologial site are in course,
but the excavations are visitable, and they allow to admire not only the
splendid mosaics that are now being restored, but also the heating systems of
the room that are connected to a boiler through the spaces on the floors and
through the walls.