- Kaulon - Monasterace
130 km from Reggio(30km from Siderno), passed through the Monasterace Marina
villane, going north there are the ruins of the ancient Kaulon,
magnificent city of Magna Graecia. On the promontory of the Punta di Stilo area,
are visible the rests of the sumptuous doric temple and its base, of remarkable
dimensions, the urban structure of the city, and the rests of some houses with
mosaic decorations. Following the main road, after the crossroad to
Monasterace (138mt. a.s.l), going into the inner area for about 4km there is
the village. Well visible is the medieval structure: its city walls, the city
doors and the castle of the XVIcent. The tradition says that the village was
born around a monastery, from which the village took its name, that belonged to
the Rodi Knights, an order that used to assist the pilgrims that went to Holy
Land. Every three years in May there is the festival of the “Territorio”, in
honour to S.Andrea Avellino. The procession that passes through all the
municipal routes, following the wooden statue of the saint, is unique in Italy
because its route doesn’t only pass through the populated village but also
around alleys narrow roads and the fiumara.