- Brancaleone Marina
- Brancaleone Superiore
- Staiti
- Bruzzano Zeffirio
- Bruzzano Vecchio
- Ferruzzano Superiore
62km from Reggio Calabria there is Brancaleone Marina, 12 mt a. s.
l.(40 km from Siderno; 78km from Monasterace Marina), which is reachable
following the S.S.106 going north along the Ionian coast. The populated centre,
born along the ancient Sperlonga, is famous to have given hospitality to the
writer Cesare Pavese, who was confined there in 1935 during the fascist
dictatorship. In more recent years it has become a seaside touristic centre with
good accomodating structures. Quite near there is Torre Sperlongara, a
protecting tower built in the XV century, on a burial site of roman times, used
by the Vicerè Don Fabrizio Pignatelli, who included it in the defensive system
of calabrian coasts during the spanish dominion.
Going in the inner areas, around 1km away, there is the road that takes to
Brancaleone Superiore (280 mt a.s.l.), ancient village (noble calabrian
families’ fief, like the Ruffo and the Scalea) placed on top of a cliff, that
shows the ruins of its castle and the remains of the church dedicated to the
Madonna all’Annunziata. In the highest area of the ancient village there are
some caves that were once occupied by some hermits that gave it the name of
Sperlonga, latin for cave.
Following for around 3km, the main road, taking the crossroad towards
Staiti, there is the Batia district, with the remains of Santa Maria di
Tridetti, Byzantine-Norman abbey of the XI century that has been for almost a
millennium a religious and spiritual centre. Following the inner road there is
Staiti (550mt. a.s.l.), small historical centre with a medieval map, with S.
Maria della Vittoria’s church, where a 1652 Madonna with the Baby is kept,
whilst one of S.Anna is outside.
Going back towards Brancaleone Marina, about 2km, there is Bruzzano
Zeffirio (82mt a.s.l.), new populated centre built to replace the ancient
village of Bruzzano Vecchio (120mt a.s.l.), destroyed by the earthquake
of 1908. The ancient centre keeps on the Armena Rock the fortressof the Cafari
princes (138mt a.s.l.), where recently numerous burnt and headless skeletons
have been found.
Of great interest are the spring waters, better known as “Piccole Terme di
San Piantino” and “l’Acqua di Munda”, that are born at the Motticella feet
(120mt. a.s.l.), ancient part of Bruzzano. On the road that goes to
Ferruzzano Superiore there is the Santa Maria della Catena’s Sanctuary,
assigne as the centre of the jubilee for the year 2000, and 6 km from here there
is Ferruzzano (460mt. a.s.l.), village of medieval origins with interesting
architectonic characteristics and granite portals.