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The Aspromonte National Park presents a surface of 78.517 hectars and embraces most of the area. Pine and white fir forests in the highest tyrrhenian sides are in contrast with almost untouched beech-woods that go down to present roverella oak forests, hawks’ sorb, turkey oak and , further down , ilex wood areas and the mediterranean stain. The most representative fauna is constituted by the fallow deer, wild boar, fox, roe deer, badger, sparrowhawk, hawk and king-fisher. The wolf, believed extinguished in this area a few yaers back, has been located again in 1988.

The “green gold” of Calabria
Bergamot, Citrus Bergamia Rissso, is a citrus fruit of spherical shape, initially of a deep green colour that changes into yellow as it matures. It has been tried to be produced all around the world, but with poor results: its most suitable habitat is the coastline that goes from Villa S. Giovanni to Gioiosa Ionica, an area exposed to the soothing action of the Ionian sea and sheltered from the northern winds. Here it has been cultivated since 1700.
The bergamot essence, full with over 300 chemical components, is essential for the production of more delicate perfumes, of which it fixes the fragrance. It’s used in the pharmaceutical industry thanks to its exceptional chemical, physical, desenfecting and healing properties; in the cosmetic one beacause is able to balance oily skins and to purify and deodorize the skin. Interesting is its use in the food industry where the creativity of the reggini confectioners allowed the growth of its value through different elaborations of pastries, ice creams, liqueurs and candied fruit.

A beech-wood
Photo Archive Province of Reggio Calabria - Photo by: Ettore Amato
Seagulls on the beach
Photo Archive Province of Reggio Calabria - Photo by: Francesco De Leo
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