“Maccaruni ‘i casa” Ingredients:
500gr. ground flour
Prepare the flour in a doughnut shape and put in the middle of it
a pinch of salt and bit by bit a small cup of water; work it with
your hand till obtaining an even and quite dry mixture.
Keep on working it, stretch it bit by bit and make out from it small
pasta cilinders, not thicker than one cm. and longer than 3 or 4.
Roll the cilinders on a thin knitting needle, rub on it and take the
pierced maccheroni off it.
Place them on a floured cloth and leave them to dry for about a hour,
then boil them in lots of salted water and drain them “al dente”
paying good attention to get rid of all the water.
Put pork, goat or lamb ragù sauce on them, and add fresh or dry
grated ricotta on them.
(Good Calabrian Cooking , by Carlo Baccellieri)